Thursday 10 April 2014

Great Cloth Diaper Change 2014 - world record attempt!

Fancy being part of a world record attempt? The Blooming Babies NI show will be the location for taking part in the Great Cloth Diaper Change, a Guinness World Record attempt to change the most reusable nappies at one time - a global event that's just a bit of fun really. Northern Ireland hosted an event last year, and this year we want to improve on the 8, 301 nappies that were changed at one time worldwide!

The event this year takes part at 11 am. If you want to take part but don't use reusables - don't worry, we will have some to lend out on the day. It's not often you get chance to take part in an official world record attempt, and I think it would be a funny story to tell them when they are older!

In addition, the show will provide taster sessions of different activities, expert speakers, shopping and you can also get a free photo from award-winning photographer Dermot Murphy.

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